Πανεπιστήμιο Ιωαννίνων

Foreign Languages Lab


The Foreign Language Learning & Research Lab is situated at the ground floor of the Central Library Building (Rooms 213 & 214) and aims to promote the practice and learning of a foreign language with the method of 'autonomous/self-access learning'.

The Lab is addressed to all members of the academic community (students, members of academic staff, administrative staff) who wish to use the lab's resources for educational purposes. At present, only English language learning is supported but we hope to offer more language learning opportunities in the future.

In addition to print material, the Lab is equipped with access to an online platform for learning English, named TELL ME MORE, which is free for all lab users. The platform covers all language levels (from Beginners/A1 to Proficient/C2 users) with a variety of interactive exercises and is divided in two main sections:

  • English for Everyday Situations
  • English for Professional Situations

The lab is also used for micro-teaching and seminars, promoting innovative language teaching methodologies with the use of multimedia tools, including interactive whiteboards and relevant research tools (i.e. language corpora).

The University Foreign Languages Centre is responsible for the operation and quality of the services provided.

Opening hours:
Monday: 11.00-18.00
Tuesday: 11.00-18.00
Wednesday: 11.00-18.00
Thursday: 11.00-18.00
Friday: 11.00-18.00

If you wish to BOOK A SEAT for a specific time and date, please visit the following link http://doodle.com/32pckcz4af52qa9i or call at: +30 26510 05009.

Contact number: +30 26510 05009
Email:flrlab@cc.uoi.gr & flrlab.uoi@gmail.com

Lab Directors
Dr. Tseligka Theodora, Senior Teaching Fellow in EAP/ESP (thtselig@cc.uoi.gr)
Dr. Eumeridou Eugenia, Senior Teaching Fellow in EAP/ESP (eeumerid@cc.uoi.gr)


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