Πανεπιστήμιο Ιωαννίνων




Course Description



Turkish for Beginners


The aim of Turkish Beginners 1 is to provide students with basic knowledge of Turkish language and the culture. The course covers grammar and essential vocabulary and focuses on the four language skills(listening, speaking, reading and writing), aiming to enable participants to communicate in everyday situations. The course is taught in English and Turkish and a variety of materials are used. In class, participants are encouraged to interact with each other using Turkish, practising the structure and lexical items learnt in pairs or in small groups. Outside of the class, participants are encouraged to revise what has been taught, do homework, watch videos, read books or listen to Turkish songs. At the end of the course, there is revision and consolidation session focusing on what has been covered during the course. There is no formal assessment but an informal evaluation of the learners’ levels is undertaken through in-class participation and homework check by the tutor. By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

- greet people

- introduce themselves  

- exchange information about their name, age,nationality, profession, etc.

- go shopping for everyday goods

- order food and drinks in a restaurant or cafe

- describe a place

Tuesday , 13:00 – 16:00 (Group A), Room 222

Thursday, 16:00 – 19:00 (Group B)


#fc3424 #5835a1 #1975f2 #2fc86b #feduc9 #126f9591 #240413011831