Πανεπιστήμιο Ιωαννίνων

Sunday, 26 May 2013 01:40

Department of Materials Science and Engineering

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Preparatory Course in English ETY108 The Programme of Studies includes a one semester course on the English language. The goals of the course are the following: Acquisition of a Level B2 vocabulary, A short revision of Grammar, Acquisition of basic writing skills (Sentence/clause distinction, Types of clauses, Paragraph Writing) Topic Sentence, Unity,  Coherence-Cohesion, Linking Devices, Argumentative Essays.
At the beginning of the semester, all students take a placement test. Students attaining a score corresponding to Level B2 and beyond are exempted from the course. Students can sit for the placement test only once.
Students who qualify for the course successfully complete it, if their exam mark is at least 5.
B2 4 3 h/week
English Technical Terminology  ΕΤΥ407 The course “English Technical Terminology” is a compulsory course. The course runs for a single semester and its main objective is to familiarize students with the basic terminology encountered in texts related to the Materials Science. More specifically, the terminology in the following thematic areas is examined: Metals and Ceramics, Glasses and Polymers, Composite Materials and Semi-conductors, The structure of Atom, Chemical Bonds (Ionic, Covalent and Metallic), Crystalline Structure (Seven Systems and Fourteen Lattices), Metal Ceramic and Polymer Structures, Tensile Test, Compression Test, Elastic and Plastic Deformation
Additionally students are taught how tense use, noun phrases and passive voice are customized in Academic English. Finally, they are offered some ground knowledge of Technical and Academic Writing, namely the writing of: Definition paragraphs, Classification paragraphs, Cause-effect paragraphs, Process-description paragraphs, Paraphrases, Paragraphs describing graphs and statistical data
 C1  4  3 h/week
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